Lunes, Hulyo 31, 2017

9 Best Strategies to Win the Heart of Your Client

Whether you're a business owner or a manager carrying out a project, one thing is always the same: The client is dominant voice in decision-making. Learn to communicate with them effectively and you'll set a good example for the people you supervise.

1. Remember that the customer is the boss. At the end of the day, your job is to make the customer happy. Act accordingly.
2. Differentiate your products. Don't get lost in a sea of products and services like yours. Make sure you stand out from your competitors.
3. Retain customers as much as you recruit new ones. While you always want to bring in new business, it's very important to maintain relationships with loyal customers.
4. Provide effective channels of communication. Make sure your clients can contact you easily and quickly if they have a problem, concern or question. They can also provide a valuable source of feedback.

5. Maintain customer data. Use this data to make your customers feel special by remembering occasions like birthdays and anniversaries. It's also helpful for keeping track of purchasing preferences.
6. Segment your customers. Not all customers are alike. Divide your customers into groups that allow you to provide attention and services that meet each customer's unique needs.
7. Provide effective after-sales services. Don't let contact fall off after the work is complete. Make sure your client stays happy.
8. Listen attentively. Pay attention to exactly what clients are asking for to help you better meet their needs.
9. Don't be afraid to say you don't know. It's OK not to know the answer to every question. It's better to say you don't know and get back to a customer than to try to bluff your way through a conversation and have to backtrack later. 
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Biyernes, Hulyo 28, 2017

Business Owners: How to deal with your Finances over your Resources

Whether you're a business owner or a manager, staying on top of tangible items is vital to success. These tips can help you keep track.

1. Set up a realistic budget. While it's good to be optimistic, don't plan for more spending than you know you can afford. Make sure you plan for emergencies and contingencies as well.
2. Save costs where they matter the most. Don't just pinch pennies for the present. Make sure your savings will pay off in the long run. Compromising on quality might cost you later on in repairs and replacements.
3. Spend only when it's necessary. Don't spend if you don't need to. Every bit you save goes toward your profit.
4. Find alternative sources of finance. Sometimes even successful businesses need a little help. Business loans and investors can help you through leaner times.
5. Stay true to your contracts. Not only will you gain the respect of your clients, you'll also avoid legal battles that can be a serious financial drain.

6. Make sure employees are well compensated. Employees deserve to be rewarded for hard work. Make sure yours are well compensated for their time and they'll be more productive and happier to come to work.
7. Learn to do more with less. Quality is much more important than quantity, so make what you have count.
8. Assign equipment wisely. While it might be nice for every employee to have a PDA, budgets often don't allow for such conveniences. Make sure the employees that need tools the most have access to them.
9. Invest in solid technology. This doesn't always mean the latest technology, but what your office needs to do work effectively.
10. Update when necessary. Using obsolete equipment and programs can really slow you down. Update when it makes sense so you won't get left behind by competitors.
11. Don't be wasteful. Every sheet of paper, paper clip and pen is a cost on your budget. Use materials wisely and don't waste them out of haste or carelessness.

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Huwebes, Hulyo 27, 2017

12 Best Tips to Enhance Your Productivity in the Office

Getting the most out of your day can be difficult with a busy schedule, but you can use these tips to help you maximize your time in order to be better available to employees.

1. Get the most out of meetings. Be organized and prepared for meetings to increase effectiveness and time savings.
2. Focus your energy on things that matter. Don't let trivial tasks take time away from things that are really important.
3. Identify your time-stealers. Everyone has little things that detract their attention and make them lose focus. Figure out what these are and work to eliminate them, if only for a few hours a day.
4. Be punctual. Being on time is a big deal. Never keep people waiting for appointments or meetings if you can help it.
5. Respond to your correspondence within a reasonable amount of time. You don't have to be chained to your inbox, but make sure you respond to emails within a few hours whenever possible.
6. Do only what is necessary. There are times when going above and beyond works, but doing so on a daily basis can derail your progress on more important issues. Get the key things done first, then see if you have time for additional things.

7. Stick to schedules and routines. While they may not be the most exciting things, schedules and routines can help streamline and improve your productivity.
8. Organize and manage your schedule. Use any tools and utilities you have at your disposal to prioritize your day and keep track of what you need to get done.
9. Plan more than you think you can do. While this may sound stressful, it can actually be a great motivator. If you manage to get everything done, you'll enjoy a great sense of achievement.
10. Get to work early on occasion. Sometimes an uninterrupted half hour in an unoccupied office can help you get key things done or allow you to plan your day before there are any distractions to slow you down.
11. Know that sometimes stress is good. While too much of anything, especially stress, can be bad, sometimes a little stress can be the motivation to get you moving, allowing you to get more done.
12. Do your least favorite tasks first. Get your most tedious and least desirable tasks out of the way earlier in the day. After that, everything else will be a breeze.
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Miyerkules, Hulyo 26, 2017

12 Hacks on How to Encourage your Colleagues

Being a good manager isn't just about what you can encourage other people to do, it's also about managing your own performance.

1. Be accessible. Don't hole up in your office all day — come out and visit with your employees. Let them know that they can always come to you with problems and concerns.
2. Be open to constructive criticism. It may not always be what you want to hear, but listening to constructive criticism gives you the chance to learn and grow from your mistakes.
3. Accept responsibility. Part of being the boss is accepting responsibility for the mistakes of all that you manage, not just your own.
4. Know there's always room for improvement. No matter how good you think you are, your job can always be done better. Always be willing to learn.
5. Improve your skills. Learning is a lifelong process. You're never too old to take a class or ask a co-worker to help you improve your knowledge.
6. Explain things simply. Don't use big words or technical jargon just to sound smart and impress. 
Colleagues others. Your employees will understand and perform better if you explain simply and clearly what you need.

7. Instruct rather than order. You may be the boss, but you don't have to be bossy. You'll have more success if your requests are more tactfully delivered.
8. Include your staff in your plans. Don't make your work top secret; let your employees know what's going on and how they are expected to contribute.
9. Know your subordinates' jobs. You don't want to be caught with inferior job knowledge.
10. Be flexible. It's fine to be firm in what you expect, but allow for flexibility in how it gets done.
11. Get regular feedback. Your employees and superiors can give you valuable feedback on how to improve your performance. Use this to your advantage.
12. Know your limitations. You can't be everywhere doing everything all at once. Know the limits of your time and abilities and say no to things you know you can't do. 

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Lunes, Hulyo 24, 2017

Top 10 Tips for Managers on How Employees will Enjoy their Office Stay



A happy office is a productive one. Everyone will be more cheerful if you follow these simple rules.

1. Don't make your employees come in on days they're normally not scheduled to work or call them while they're on vacation -  A surefire way to make employees resent you  is to invade their personal time for non pressing work. Unless you have something that absolutely has to be done, let time away from work stay that way.
2. Don't play favorites - Playing favorites can bias your judgment and impair your leadership abilities. Treat your employees equally.
3. Give credit when it's due - Don't take credit for your employees' ideas or hog their limelight. This action not only fosters resentment but also makes you seem untrustworthy.
4. Don't micromanage - While it's fine to keep up with what your employees are working on, don't constantly look over their shoulders.
5. Never discuss employee matters with their co-workers - This kind of gossip always gets back to the person and will make you look unprofessional.


6. Don't interfere with employees' work - If your employees are getting work done, don't stress about how it gets done. Even if it's not being done the way you'd do it, it's best to let employees use their best judgment.
7. Don't push unreasonable deadlines. You don't want to spend all of your time at the office, and neither do your employees.
8. Keep your promises. Barring some catastrophic event, you should always keep promises you make to employees, especially about pay and benefits.
9. Keep work about work. Don't require employees to run your personal errands. Take care of your own personal business or hire an assistant.
10. Reward hard work. Make sure your employees feel valued for the work that they do. Employees will be more willing to put in extra effort if they know it's noted and appreciated.
31. Provide motivation. Sometimes employees need a morale boost. Provide them with encouragement to get a project rolling.

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10 Bright Ideas to Meet your Deadlines


No one will be happy if your team has to rush around at the last minute to complete a project. Follow these tips to make deadlines less stressful for everyone.

1. Only promise what you can realistically deliver - Don't create deadlines that you know you can't meet. By only promising what you know you can do, you'll be able to finish on time.
2. Set clear goals -  Once you know what you need to accomplish, it helps to know how and when you want to do it. Put your goals down on paper and make sure everyone on your team gets a copy.
3. Organize a team - Many of your employees will have unique strengths and training that can make them great assets to certain projects. Pick a team that has the right skills to carry out the job.
4. Delegate tasks - Spread work among your employees in a way that doesn't leave anyone overburdened while also allowing the project work smoothly.
5. Create milestones -  Creating milestones for you and your team will help you keep track of your progress and also give you a sense of accomplishment as you reach each milestone.

6. Keep communication open -  Keeping everyone in touch with the status of the project is key to making sure it's completed on time.
7. Do it right the first time - Planning ahead will help prevent you from delivering a substandard product. Having to redo something for a client costs money, and, more than likely, future business opportunities.
8. Stay organized - Staying organized will help keep you from wasting time chasing down important documents and information.
9. Make sure expectations are clear - Be sure that each member of your team knows what their specific responsibilities are. This will save time and prevent tasks from being overlooked.
10. Create a plan - Compile your goals and milestones into a comprehensive plan for attacking any project you are given. This way, you can make sure you're staying on schedule and that all of your employees will be clear about how and when things should be done.

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Biyernes, Hulyo 21, 2017

Managers: The Significance of Body Language

What is Body Language? According to Google, Body Language is the process of communicating non verbally through conscious or unconscious gestures and movements. 
Like it or not, your body speaks volumes, even when you are silent. Here's how to express an attitude that's appropriate for a leader.

1. Stand tall. Keeping your shoulders back and holding yourself up to your full height will give you an air of confidence.
2. Take your hands out of your pockets. Putting your hands in your pockets is often seen as a sign that you have something to hide.
3. Stand with your arms crossed behind your back. This will help you adjust your posture, and it leaves your hands in a position that is open and not intimidating.
4. Make eye contact. Always look directly into the eyes of the people you are speaking with. This shows you're interested and also gives you a sense of confidence.
5. Sit up straight. Even if you're at an 8 a.m. meeting and feeling tired, it's important to sit up straight in your chair. Slouching makes you look disinterested and can give off an unwanted air of laziness.
6. Face the person you're talking to. This shows you are interested and engaged in the conversation.
7. Shake hands firmly. For many, a handshake is a reflection of the person you're shaking hands with. You don't want to come across as unsure or overbearing, so make sure yours is professional and confident.
8. Always smile. Smiles are contagious and will make others feel positive when you're around.
9. Look your best. You don't have to be model perfect every day, but you should dress appropriately and neatly. Clothes can have a big impact on the way you're perceived.
10. Walk confidently. Keep your head up and take even strides.
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6 Guidelines in Selecting The Best Office Supply Vendor

Choosing the right vendor comes down to more than simply price. If you're searching for the right office supply vendor you should also take other factors like value for your dollar, quality, reliability and service into account. How you weigh these factors will depend on your needs and strategy.
A strategic approach can work to help you understand how your potential customers reach their own purchasing decisions. Here are some things to keep in mind as you weigh your vendor selection options.

• Quality – The quality of your products needs to be consistent. If there is a problem, it will reflect on you, not your supplier.
• Reliability – Remember, if they let you down, it may result in you letting your customers down.
• Value – The lowest price doesn't always mean the best value. If you want quality and reliability from a supplier, you'll have to decide how much you're willing to pay for supplies and need to balance price with reliability, quality and service.
• Strong Customer Service and Clear Communication – You want a supplier to deliver on time or to at least be honest and give you plenty of notice if they can't. The best suppliers will communicate with you regularly to understand how they can better serve you.
• Financial Security – Make sure your supplier has stable, sufficiently strong cash flow to deliver what you want, when you want it. Perform a credit check to be sure that they won't go out of business when you need them the most.
• A Team Approach – A strong partnership approach will benefit everyone involved. You want a supplier who will acknowledge how important your business is, so that they will make every effort to provide the best service possible. And you can create this response by treating your supplier as a valued partner in your business.

Choosing the right vendor is like building a winning team. You want to work with a partner who can offer value, reliability and quality, as well as a fair price. When seeking the right office supply vendor, take a strategic approach. Look for a vendor who will appreciate your business and can grow with you. Remember, you're building a team so let them know that you value their efforts and they will reward you in kind!

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Huwebes, Hulyo 20, 2017

The Divergence Between Laser Printers and Inkjet Printers

The-Divergence-Between-Laser Printers-Inkjet-Printers

With so many different options for printers and multi function devices on the market today, it can be overwhelming for consumers to choose the best product to serve their business's needs.
To point a customer in the right direction for choosing a printing device, Arlington Industries would like to offer the following pointers to help guide this decision:
One of the most common questions that you'll hear from your business customers is whether they should choose a laser printer or an inkjet printer. The right answer really comes down to the business's budget and printing volume.
Historically, the cost of laser printers is higher than inkjets. However, the price of laser printers has come down over time, making them a more feasible solution for small and large companies alike. 
Laser printers are desirable because they produce more pages per minute (PPM) than other types of printers. For this reason, if you're talking to a business that prints high volumes of paper, a laser printer could be a good solution. In general, laser printers are a good fit for larger organizations that do a lot of printing and require high-resolution color.
Inkjet printers have their advantages too. First of all, inkjet printers are one of the most affordable types of printers on the market. Because inkjet printers are more compact than laser printers, they can easily fit on a desktop. On the downside, inkjet printers are slower to print documents and require that inkjet cartridges be replaced more frequently. An inkjet printer is an ideal solution for a small business with a low to medium daily printing volume. 
Multifunction printers are in demand because of their ability to print, copy, scan and fax from one device. These devices are available in either laser or inkjet, with the latter being the more cost-effective option. 
While multifunction devices are more expensive on the front end, they eliminate the need to purchase a separate printer, copier, scanner and fax machine. Having one device to serve all printing needs also frees up space in the workplace. For a business with 10 employees or less, one multifunction device is able to meet the printing and copying needs for the entire office. 

Miyerkules, Hulyo 19, 2017

7 Office Essentials to Stay Organized



How messy if your desk? We all know that time spent searching for something you need is counterproductive and simply a waste of time! Although it seems smart to have everything you need close at hand, a clutter free desk is easy to maintain, and will increase your productivity and reduce stress!

Think about it... you often spend as much as ten hours a day sitting at your desk, which is probably more time than you spend sleeping. So why do we make sure our bedroom is perfectly arranged with everything we need for a restful sleep and ignore the space where we spend the majority of our time Monday thru Friday?

Here's a list of office essentials that will help you get, and stay, organized. Whether you work from home or sit at a desk, here are six essential items you'll need:

  1. Office Supplies - Let's start with the basics like pens, highlighters, tape, scissors, paper clips, a shredder all the things you need to work throughout the day.
  2. Technology - Even if you use your smartphone or a tablet, you'll still need a laptop or desktop computer if you're company uses proprietary software for advanced tasks. Along with functionality, your computer can store important documents and backups for your mobile devices if you're not comfortable storing or working on the cloud. While you're at it, remember a printer and a wireless router to make connecting easy.
  3. Paper - Although the paperless office is coming, it's not entirely here yet so you'll need paper supplies. Make sure you include notebooks, sticky notes, notepads and printer/copier paper.
  4. Organizational Supplies - Keeping your workspace organized is necessary for maximum productivity. Have a stapler and paperclips handy to keep your documents organized. Add folders, so you don't lose important documents, both regular and hanging ones.
  5. Stationary and Mailing Supplies - Stock up on envelopes and stamps!
  6. Hanging Supplies - Pushpins and thumbtacks can help you make your office more appealing by letting you hang signs, photos, and notes.
  7. Time Tracking and Planning - The busier you get the more important organization becomes. Even if you keep your mobile phone calendar synced, get a hanging calendar or desk organizer to keep your day clearly in front of you!

Get started by building a strong foundation. No matter what your business, everyone uses office supplies. Start with this basic list and keep growing from here!

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